z NaNoWriMo Directory: Adrishta

Thursday, October 13, 2011



Adrishta, or "unseen" in Sanskrit, is my NaNo project for 2011. It stars Hemavati, a woman whose mute daughter is kidnapped by the Gods and held for ransom.

What do the Gods want?

Indra, king of the Devas, is no longer secure of his own power. The king of the Gods in heaven hides a terrible secret, one that would unravel the entire order of the universe if revealed. Hema, a housewife and protector of a weapon given to her by the goddess Parvati, is his last and greatest hope for silence.

But Indra didn't count on one small thing: hell (or heaven) hath no fury like a woman betrayed.

for more information, contact: forthejournal {at} gmail {dot} com.

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